
It's Ferdaous Tlidi

"A passionate young entrepreneur who likes to turn dreams to real Products"

  • 👨‍🎓 ’06’2020: Got my BA Degree in English Language Linguistics from Abdelmalek Essaadi University.
  • 🌎 ’07’2020  Started English Arabic Translation Freelancing.
  • 💠 ’02’2021 : Started  WordPress Development & Design Freelancing.
  • 🤝 ’06’2021: Created FerdaousWP company for WordPress development & design services. 
  • 🙌🏻 ’02’2022: Got My First HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Php, Database, MySql Certificates.
  • 🎦 ’06’2022: Started my YouTube channel using green screens.
  • 💯 ’08’2022: Got my certificate qualification on Python.
  • 🎙 ’01’2023: Started podcasting on Young Entrepreneur Academy.

About Me

I'm Ferdaous Tlidi

I’m a passionate young entrepreneur who likes to turn dreams to reality Products. I’m so eager to create creative modern websites for ambitious people who want to share their creativity and drive their business ahead.

In this website, I share friendly content in different domains that interests me like my work samples, digital marketing tips, Linguistics, books review, self-learning and development tips… .

What I Know

Arabic<=>English Translation


WordPress Design








Content Marketing










Digital Marketing




What's new?

Must Read Blog Posts

Finding Your Way: Tips for Choosing the Right Career Path

Procrastination Tips: 3 Simple Tips to Free Yourself from Procrastination

4 Simple Steps for an Effective Self-Study

WordPress Designs!!

Samples of My Projects

المبادر ميديا : Digital Marketing Agency

PEST PROBLEM Services Website

Quelea : Digital Marketing Agency

Academic Writing

My Final Project for BA Graduation in Linguistics

Pragmatics Analysis of Persuasion in Moroccan Advertisements

Everywhere we turn our heads, we find advertisement on internet, magazines, street, billboards, TV, etc. More than that, we often enjoy the pictures, colors, music, and the slogans that make an advertisement. However, we rarely ask ourselves who the makers of those ads are, for what purpose these advertisements are made, or the linguistic technics used in creating these ads.

Advertisements are considered as a sort of communication managed by advertisers to address/ communicate a function, but which function is it? It is usually a persuasive function since most ads are made to promote a product. That is to say, by the use of multiple linguistic and non-linguistic strategies, an advertisement mainly tries to persuade people to buy a product or to use a service for the sake of achieving the financial purpose of the owners. In addition to that, most of the ads have an implicit power that influences our decisions. For this matter, two important questions are raised: how do advertisers manage to persuade people to buy a product? And what makes an advertisement influential?

Social Contact

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